Saturday, April 27, 2024



Technically, we made this update on our Tumblr ( already but I decided to make this post. Yes, four days have passed already and you all have been waiting in the dark with no updates for weeks (also became a month i'm sorry about that).

I'm sorry, there was just so much happening that juggling many social accounts around isn't the easiest, especially with the fact that I made many updates on my Tumblr (basically just updates about plans, progress, and what to do next).

But yes, our TOS for our site is complete! I am so happy that it's finally done, granted my partner is going to take a double take on it and might add another clause or not who knows (luckily he is busy with the server so he doesn't have time to look at it yet hehehe).

I have to work on our Discord Server TOS now and also need to fix the google form. It's too long and janky so I might need to start from scratch (oof).

I wanted blogger to be made with major updates and not be clogged up mini updates but I think I need to do both. I don't know, it seems a lot of work since I am the only one making these updates. I'll ponder about it but yes, TOS for our site is complete! We are making progress! 

OH! I completely forgot to mention, my partner have completed in updating our privacy policy on our Etsy shop. I am very grateful for his help with that. He is also hard working on our Discord server and will work as customers service with me (but mainly him). 

I believe that is all. I have much work to do so thank you all for waiting and reading and so sorry for keeping you all in the dark. I will do my best to fix that!

Monday, February 5, 2024

The Futuure of ZomBrainShop | February 05, 2024

    Hello, I have some news which is very disheartening to announce. It's not too serious, however, all plans are now being pushed even more backward. Farther and farther away from a goal that looked very achievable just became a spec in the distance once again. 

I found out last at around 9:00 pm, on Tumblr, seeing an artist receive an ask in their inbox from one of their supporter pointing out their Society6 shop has fewer designs now. So the artist went to confirm that is indeed true, Society6 now has this fee per design subscription-based system. I thought for a moment maybe I would be alright, just like with RedBubble, I didn't make a single sale therefore there would be no reason to charge me. My designs on Society6 have been deleted by Society6, not me. Only a few remained and that was enough for me to realize Society6 is no longer for me. 

As I deleted my Society6 I felt truly disheartened. My hands have been steadily getting worse and I soon realize I cannot keep doing Art Commissions. It saddens me that I now have to hunt down a new place to host my art once again. I will not be returning to RedBubble in case anyone is thinking of telling me to do it. I am currently thinking of re-opening my Etsy for digital products.

Belong was taken from my Shop Tumblr update post. 
Allow me to be unprofessional real quick...
Thank you. Ahem. So, to allow you all to understand my frustrations, Society6 (S6) is doing a fee per design and I will not be a part of it. So if you see an account pretending to be me, PLEASE let me know immediately. I no longer have an account with them in fact I just deleted my account right then and there after finding out about this information.
Some of my designs have been deleted. I have not made a single sale on Society6. At least with RedBubble (RB) (as far as I know) they didn't force me into their subscription base because they noticed I have not made a single sale, therefore, it would not be beneficial for them to do so.
So as I said, I no longer have an S6 account. If you see someone pretending to be me please alert me right away. Thank you.

What is happening to ZomBrainShop?
It will still continue, but it will not be as active as I have hoped it would be this year. I will find another place to host my designs. But it will sadly take much time.

Does that mean ZomBrainShop will no longer do Commission and other Services?
ZomBrainShop will continue to do Commission and other Services, however, it will be limited till we get situated.

Will ZomBrainShop go back to RedBubble? Or return to Etsy?
ZomBrainShop will not go back to RedBubble, in fact, I, Lee Chan, am just waiting for RB to force me to pay them. Once they do, I am going to fully delete the account. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Will ZomBrainShop return to Etsy? Once I can make enough funds I will reopen my Etsy to sell physical products. At the moment I am debating on using Etsy for Digital again.

What is the Future of ZomBrainShop?
If I am completely honest, it hurts my heart to say, but with this news, I am feeling unmotivated in making art. Which sucks don't get me wrong. I do want to make a profit with my art, but I cannot keep doing commissions for my hands have steadily gotten worse. I will find a solution, I just need to get situated.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. If you have any question(s), please do not be afraid to ask.
Have an easier day ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚